Fill It Up Friday- Big Body Play
Fill it up Friday Each Friday we will look at an article to fill up on the whys of teaching. I recently read a book by Frances Carlson on gross motor activity. I was lucky enough to have sat in a class she taught at the NAEYC convention in CA. If you haven't heard about NAEYC yet, just stick around. That will be one of our future Wednesday Words! So Carlson is an amazing speaker! She made you remember the gross motor activities of your youth in ways that made you want to jump right back on that tire swing (and why is it that we don't play on those as adults anymore?!? I so need one!). Her goal in connecting us back to our childhoods was simple. She wanted us to realize how important those rough and tumble activities were for us. Now think about your center or your own home. How often do we let children jump from things or run into things or just roll around? If you live and work in place...