Time-Out Tuesdays- Gardening

Time-Out Tuesdays

Each Tuesday we will take time out of the classroom to learn about each other.

I love to (attempt to) grow my own veggies in the warm months.  I look forward to it each year.  This year was no different.  It was a rough winter in more than one way and I was so happy to have the warmth finally return.

Last year I housed my container garden on my Grammy's porch.  She passed away this past November and the garden has come to be yet another reminder of her.  I'd like to think that it is doing so well this year because she has been watching over it from afar.

We planted two types of tomatoes, green peppers, banana peppers, yellow squash, cucumber, spinach, and lettuce.  They are all doing so well this year!  Last year we had a rotten start and didn't near harvest until mid-June.  I think the lettuce and spinach will be good to go soon!
Banana Pepper

Bell Pepper


I'm still pretty new to this gardening thing so if you have any suggestions let me know! 



  1. Good luck on your garden! We are doing a garden for the first time this year. I thought it would be easier but I keep battling my boxer Jack because he is determined to ruin my tomato plant!! :)

  2. We are getting so many flowers, but I haven't seen any bees to pollenate! I'm so tempted to research hand pollination, but I think Scott may have me committed at that point!


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