Fill It Up Friday- Challenging Behavior in Young Children

Fill it up Friday
Each Friday we will look at an article to fill up on the whys of teaching.

This is one of my favorite books EVER.  Seriously!  If you haven't heard of it yet please, please, please check it out! Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I frequently read books on child behavior, especially difficult behaviors.  I've noticed that the better I managed my classroom the more the children are able to learn, so I focus on behavior first. 

The authors do an amazing job looking at various factors that influences a child's behavior and what we as adults can do to help mitigate those factors. The authors break the book up into manageable pieces that reference the different aspects that influence behavior and how to work around with them such as the social context, physical space, and the inclusive setting.

By far my favorite part of the book is the inclusion of the functional assessment behavior chart.  This is also known as the ABC chart.  I love using these with situations I am evaluating.  I recommend them all the time to new teachers. Essentially these ABC charts look at the A-antecedent, or what occurred before the behavior, the B-behavior, what the exact behavior entails, and C-the consequence.  I may even do a whole post on these later.

The authors have a blog with tons of awesome information.  If you have that child you struggle with connecting to or you want more information on handling challenging behaviors check it out here.


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