Wednesday Words- Number Sense

Wednesday Words

We will look at the words that define us.

Number sense. Does that term make sense to you? Enough with the word play already, lets define!

Number sense simply refers to the ability to understand and use numbers.  This is not a topic that is taught in one lesson, instead think of it as an ongoing process that is taught directly and indirectly.  When children are young and we ask them to pass out the appropriate number of snack materials we are working on number sense.  When we ask them to identify numbers we are working on number sense.  When we ask them to show us a set identifying a specific number we are working on number sense. When we ask them what digits make up a larger number we are working on number sense. Do you see a trend here?

The idea is that when children are exposed to and allowed to explore numbers and quantities from a young age (I'm talking infants here!), they develop the ability to manipulate numbers on a deeper scale.  Try infusing math into all your subjects or activities.  Just like reading exposure, support, and continual exploration is key.



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