Mindful Monday- Gross Motor

Mindful Monday

This is where each Monday we are mindful of our pedagogy, slowly adjusting our lessons to match our theories.
After reading about how important grow motor activities are in this post Big Body Play, I thought it would be fun for us to share some ideas on gross motor activities being worked into everyday lessons. 
While planning I try to think about my lessons in terms of the whole unit.  I want to ensure that the overall unit incorporates many different features, one of the most important for me being gross motor.  While planning a unit of the wild west I wanted to come up with something that the kids could revisit while playing on the playground if they wanted.
After eliminating horse riding and snake wrangling I decided on steer roping. I had to think about who would clean the playground after the steer had visited so I opted for the chair variety of steer!

The children tried to lasso the "runaway steer".  Luckily the steer (a chair) played nice and sat still.  We used a jump rope as the lasso.  The kids had so much fun that a line formed from with children from some of the other classes.
What out of the ordinary gross motor activities have you incorporated lately?


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