Wednesday Words- NAEYC

Wednesday Words

We will look at the words that define us. 
Have you ever found that store, restaurant, or whatever that you just love and want to share with everyone?  I feel that way about NAEYC!

So what is it?  The National Association for the Education of Young Children.  There are so many resources put out by this group that you should have their webpage bookmarked.  Don't know their webpage?  Here it is

So what can they do for you?  There are so many benefits to being a member. Here is a short list:
  • Discounted books.
  • FREE books and journals sent to your home.
  • Automatic membership into state and local affiliates.
  • Discount admission to conferences.
Our local affiliate here puts on continuing education classes a few times a year for FREE for members.  They also have a yearly conference.

Personally I love that they have created a standard of excellence for early childhood educators.  Centers (even home and faith based providers) can earn an accreditation from them that signifies you are following best practices.  Um who doesn't want to be told they are awesome!?!

They also have position statements that show where they stand on various topics such as math, technology, and more.  I've used these to align my own practices.

One last rave is that they encourage others to become involved in the political scene to advocate (both sides of the aisle people!) for child's needs.  I love that I don't get fliers telling me who to vote for.  I was a member of a different professional organization and I felt like much of my dues went to advertisements for political candidates.  Bleh!  Focus on the kids!

**Disclaimer- None of this was sponsored by NAEYC.  I'm not paid or given anything.  Heck, I paid full price for the comprehensive membership because I believe in their organization.  I will take donations though.  From anyone.  I'm trying to buy a house one day.


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